Monday, November 30, 2009


I have been getting faint positive since 26.11.09 - 2 days before period dues. A total of 4 tests were done every other morning all resulting faint positives.

Aren't you happy for me? After trying for few months, finally, getting a positive (faint positive), hubby and I had been overwhelmed with the news for the past few days.

It is only 2 days past my period due, but since it's been a real nightmare for me having a D&C for the past miscarriage, we decide to visit the gyn earlier, just in case.

However, the visit to the gyn made me worried! Nothing appeared in ultrasound (Ok, we couldn't expect anything for 4 weeks pregnant), no double line showed in the test given in clinic (Ok, since it's still early, second urine may not have enough HCG to trigger the lines).

Thus, a blood test for Beta HCG is required to confirm pregnancy. We return to get the report by noon. The result is 18.8mIU/mL. The gyn seems a bit uncertain about my pregnancy, and I'm appointed to be back a week later (7.12.09).

18.8mIU/mL is really very low. It can't be able to trigger any lines for a 20mIU/mL test (which is suppose to be the most sensitive test in the market). Then how come I could have 4 cheapie tests getting faint positive??? Is it a symptom leading to a miscarriage???

Keeping your finger crossed for me! Pray hard that no more miscarriage.