Sunday, December 14, 2008

A miscarriage

You are right! I dropped it! I really have dropped my baby!

I have a miscarriage. I felt really sad after I got know about this. I'm very disappointed.

After a stomachache on one afternoon, I do feel that the pregnancy symptoms are fading. I just keep myself assured that I wouldn't be that unlucky, I'm usually healthy without much sickness. But too bad, I'm really that unlucky!

I'm getting my real period today, which is now confirm a miscarriage. I went to the doctor, but he said I've not yet pregnant! He said I was just too anxious to have a baby! Then why did the pregnancy test shows positive? Why?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

See nothing?

I just came back from a clinic. It has been 6 days past my period due, so I think it's time for me to go for a check up.

But the doctor says he can scan nothing! Nothing?

Then he asked the nurse to give me a plastic container for urine. I personally think that he wouldn't be able to get two line with the urine I gave him, I drank so much water! The urine is surely very diluted!

As what I think, there is only one line appeared. *sad*

The doctor asked me to go back on 24.12.08, "IF YOUR PERIOD STILL HAVEN'T COME!!!"

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A positive sign

See? It's a positive sign! I'm pregnant!

I think it's still too early for me to go for a doctor, wait for few more dajavascript:void(0)ys?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Implantation bleeding?

Starting from the 02.12.08 until now, I'm having a "mini period"! It's something I've never had before.

I've search through the internet, which give me a hint that it may be called implantation bleeding. It says that it's one of the normal symptom for early pregnancy.

When I took a pregnancy test this morning, I could see one clear red line and one very very very faint pink line. I doubt what it means! It's only a day from my period due. May be I tested too early. I'm still very excited to find out pregnant or not pregnant?

Anyway, I'll try to take another test in few more days.