Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Wow, first menses after d&c is much much more painful than previous menses!

This menses comes with a lot of cramping that last for more than 4 days. I've been exhausted by the pain since I refused to take pain killer!

What a miserable menses I'm having? And still it is ON! When is it going to give me a halt?


  1. oh.. don't keep lying down as it will be worse.. next time if you have cramp, sit on the floor and do a forward bending or lie on your back, bend your knees and sleep on one side (change after 2 - 3 minutes) if you do not want to take painkiller.. I hope it helps.. :)

  2. Cindy, I sometimes have the same problem. EsP on the first day. I take a home remedy which warms up the body and helps the blood to flow. Its 3TBPS of cane sugar boil until dissolve in 1 cup of water. then drop one egg in. when ready, then put 2 tBSP on rice wine and turn off fire. very nice for crampy periods...

    Hope your dream comes true soon! :)

  3. dear.. how is your cramp? better?

  4. Blue Peony - Thanks, I'll try to boil and drink.

    Cynthia - I'm good again after the six days of painful cramp.

  5. This cramp will fade out soon. This is normal. I went thru this before after my misscarriage. God will replace another one soon....better luck next time ya sweetie...

  6. Cindy, don't worry. You will have a baby one day. and many more! Just be patient.
